Something Else! columnist Kit O’Toole to speak at international Beatles conference

Something Else! columnist Kit O’Toole is set to speak at a conference called “It Was 50 Years Ago Today: An International Beatles Celebration,” to be held this week at Penn State-Altoona.

O’Toole writes the regular Deep Beatles feature for Something Else!, exploring lesser-known favorites from the Fab Four. She will be take part in several presentations over the course of this February 7-9, 2014 event, including the conference kickoff session.

On Friday, O’Toole will give a talk titled “From Books to Blogs: The Long and Winding Road from Data to Discovery, 1980s to Present Day.” She’ll also moderate a plenary session called “From Analog Ashcans to Digital Diving: A Comparative Analysis of Research and Storytelling, from Pre-Internet Age to Digital Overload” with Walter Podrazik of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Saturday, O’Toole will present “‘She Said She Said’: How Women Have Transformed from Fans to Authors in Beatles History, from Fanzines to Books.”

O’Toole, a fixture on Chicago’s Fest for Beatles Fans panels over the years, began the Deep Beatles series for Something Else! in June of 2012 with a personal memory on “Eight Days a Week” She has also delved into the closing medley on Abbey Road and, most recently, their reunion effort “Free as a Bird.” O’Toole is a long-time contributor at Beatlefan magazine, as well.

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