‘Musically, it’s a voyage’: Inside David Crosby’s long-awaited, surprising new album

Over a career which saw him co-found both the Byrds and Crosby Still and Nash, David Crosby has been known for a certain low-fi sound. Even his most critically acclaimed effort away from those groups shared this homey feel.

As such, Crosby’s forthcoming new project — simply called Croz — promises plenty of surprises: “What I’m known for, as far as solo records, is If I Could Only Remember My Name, which was almost entirely acoustic,” Crosby says. “This is a complete departure from any place I’ve been before.”

A look at the guest stars for Croz confirms it, as guitarist Mark Knopfler, trumpeter Wynton Marsalis and bassist Leland Sklar join the two-time Rock and Roll Hall of Famer in the studio. Crosby’s first solo album in some two decades is due January 28, 2014.

“At my stage of life, my people just sort of peter out,” Crosby says. “They either say everything they have to say, or they just get lazy. So now I have this record that is not what everybody expects. Musically, it’s a voyage.”

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