Archive for December 24th, 2013


‘Always something you can learn’: For Led Zeppelin’s John Paul Jones, Duck Dunn and James Jamerson were huge

Largely self-taught, Led Zeppelin’s John Paul Jones learned most of his early craft on the bass from listening to albums from the Stax and Motown legacy. You May Also Like: Paul McCartney says the Beatles used Motown as a template – for what not to do Durand Jones – DurandRead More


Sinatra, Martin and Davis – Christmas with the Rat Pack (2002)

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. seemed to always being playing on the house stereo when I was a kid. You May Also Like: Frank Sinatra – ‘All or Nothing At All’ (2015): Movies Frank Sinatra, “Only the Lonely” from Ultimate Sinatra (2015): One Track Mind Frank SinatraRead More

Fred Phillips' Best of 2013 (Metal and Hard Rock): Amon Amarth, Tom Keifer, Black Sabbath, Carcass

Fred Phillips’ Best of 2013 (Metal and Hard Rock): Amon Amarth, Tom Keifer, Black Sabbath, Carcass

Any time my year-end list starts with more than 20 candidates, it’s been a pretty metal year for me. That was the case for 2013 You May Also Like: Black Sabbath’s Often-Dismissed ‘Sabotage’ Is Far Better Than You Remembered Why Black Sabbath Went Out on a High Note With ’13’Read More


The Band’s Robbie Robertson’s Emotional Last Meeting With Levon Helm

Long after the Band’s initial split, Robbie Robertson and Levon Helm remained torn by disagreements over songwriting credits.