‘We are okay for now’: The Beach Boys’ Al Jardine among those waiting out Big Sur wildfire

A wildfire in Big Sur has forced more about 100 residents to flee the scenic location over the Pacific Ocean, though the Beach Boys’ Al Jardine has remained. He says he’s safe, and hopeful.

“Thank you all for the positive messages and prayers,” he says. “We are okay for now. Everyone is evacuated but us and a few other souls.”

More than a dozen of his neighbors’ homes, and about one-and-a-third miles of land, have already been consumed by the blaze, which sparked near California’s legendary Highway 1 in the Los Padres National Forest. Firefighters are now saying they may have the threat three quarters contained, as winds calmed yesterday.

The fire started on Sunday, though the exact cause is still a mystery. In all, some 22 buildings have been destroyed around Jardine’s home. “We will keep you updated,” he says, “and thanks again for keeping us in your thoughts. It is very much appreciated.”

Jardine, best known for lead vocals on the Beach Boys’ smash 1965 single “Help Me, Rhonda,” took part in the band’s historic reunion album and tour in 2012 and, more recently, appeared with fellow Beach Boys David Marks and Brian Wilson on a series of dates with Jeff Beck. Jardine’s also at work on a new solo project with Wilson; his own most recent recording was called A Postcard from California.

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