Sparks Fly On E Street: Bruce Springsteen, “Sinaloa Cowboys” (1995)

It seems that the subject matter of this song gives me the perfect opportunity to break into a celebration of the intersection of Springsteen’s catalog with the television series Breaking Bad. There’s a problem though…and that is that I’ve never seen a minute of the acclaimed series. That kind of “entertainment” just isn’t for me. I’m not one of those “Oh, it glorifies violence and drugs” sort of people, so don’t get me wrong here. It’s just that I find crime-related topics played out. I’ve had enough.

But that doesn’t subtract from my enjoyment of “Sinaloa Cowboys.” On the contrary, I love how it begins as what seems like a cautionary “simple” migrant worker story but then morphs into a sad modern tale of bad decisions. The use of that pairing is what gives the song its power.

I’ve had people in my own life become entangled in such matters. And maybe that’s why I can no longer find entertainment in these topics in the broader culture. It might be interesting to ask my sister if her experiences there have given her a different perspective. But that’s not going to happen…because she’s dead.

Up next: The Line

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Mark Saleski

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