“Sitting on the beach for a week is my idea of hell.”
I just got done listening to a Fresh Air interview with composer/musician John Zorn. This was his response to the idea of taking a vacation. He was put on this earth to make music…and sees no reason to “escape” it. That quote made me laugh out loud. I hate the beach too, though for different reasons.
I just cant’ believe John Zorn is 60. Also difficult to comprehend is the sheer size and depth of his catalog. Writing in so many genres, from surf to film scores to jazz to hardcore (sometimes coming all during one song!), Zorn is prolific in both quantify and style.
My introduction to his writing came from hearing Naked City’s take on the theme from James Bond. It’s a terrific mashup of surf guitar, muscular swing, and chaotic noise. I heard that tune on the radio and tracked down the album. Zorn employs his frenetic jump-cut style on many of the tracks on this record, though this week we’re going to focus on the chaotic noise. “Igneous Ejaculation” is 24 seconds of snarling guitar, waiting saxophone, and the brutal vocals of Yamatsuka Eye. This is the kind of music you need at 3 in the afternoon. Don’t bother with that extra cup of coffee or can of Red Bull. Just put this track on, push the volume as far up as you can stand, and prepare to have your hair straightened.
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