Archive for August 16th, 2012


Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band: A Classic for Fenway Night #2 (2012)

The Boston Globe headline for their review of Bruce’s opening night at Fenway Park read “High-energy Bruce Springsteen concert is an instant Fenway classic.” You May Also Like: Reevaluating Bruce Springsteen’s ‘The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle’

George Bunnell on Strawberry Alarm Clock's return: 'Always looking for cool sounds'

George Bunnell on Strawberry Alarm Clock’s return: ‘Always looking for cool sounds’

George Bunnell takes us inside the sessions for 2012’s ‘Wake Up Where You Are,’ the Strawberry Alarm Clock’s first studio effort since 1971.


Download: Tim Finn, ‘People Like Us’ (2012)

Inspirational without feeling like a too-easy bromide, Tim Finn’s free download “People Like Us” urges us, gently but insistently, toward contentment with what’s left in our lives. It’s a big message, but compressed into a magisterial, piano-driven storyline, rather than ballooned into your average 21st century anthem-rocker. The temptation onRead More


Scrapomatic – I'm A Stranger And I Love The Night (2012)