According to Nikki Sixx, Motley Crue’s new single “Sex” sounds like the band’s debut album Too Fast for Love. Maybe Nikki has been around those loud amps too long and damaged his hearing beyond repair.
“Sex” is not a bad song, but it’s nothing like the raw, sleazy rock ‘n’ roll of the band’s debut. Sleazy? Sure. I mean, the name of the song is “Sex.” Raw? Not even close. The song has heavily produced sheen and is probably a little too overworked for a song called “Sex.”
The good news is that if you liked the band’s comeback record Saints of Los Angeles, which I very much did, you’ll likely enjoy this song, too. It’s along the same lines as most of that record, and it’s a good, catchy little rock tune if that’s all you’re expecting. It’s mindless fun with goofy lyrics and a decent hook, though certainly not the band’s best. At the end of the day, that’s all you want or need from Motley Crue. Trust me, we’ve heard these four guys try to write serious and relevant songs, and you really want them to stick to this kind of stuff. Remember Generation Swine, anyone?
Sixx’s description of the song led to some wild speculation on the Internet that the band’s as-yet-unannounced new album would be a mix of Too Fast for Love and Shout at the Devil. That’s a set-up for disappointment. Everyone always wants a band to go back to the sound of its first couple of records, but the truth is, those albums were made by young, wild, hungry kids in their 20s. These guys are in their 50s and 60s now and comfortable in their lives. It’s pretty much impossible for them, at this point, to recapture the vibe that birthed those records. Hell, I know I can’t remember what it felt like to be in my 20s, and I’m more than 20 years younger than some of these guys — with less brain cells fried.
Truthfully, 2008’s Saints of Los Angeles was a far better record than I expected and a far cry from lousy ’90s albums like Swine and New Tattoo. “Sex” gives them a good head … or, perhaps, kickstart … on the next one.
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