Sparks Fly On E Street: Bruce Springsteen, "Crush On You" (1980)

There are a lot of Springsteen fans who think that The River would have been improved if this song had been left off the recording. Bruce himself has said that he thinks this is the worst song they’ve ever put on an album.

I guess I’ve always been a big fan of Springsteen’s goofier side, which is why the garage rock that inhabits a lot of this album has always resonated with me. Is “Crush On You” a great Boss tune? Define great…and we’ll find that we disagree, greatness being both personal and relative. So it’s just a big, dumb song about lust that doesn’t take itself seriously, giving it all up for a few minutes of rockin’ fun.

It cracked me up when folks went ballistic because somebody had the audacity to put this song on a request sign at a show. It wasn’t as funny as a “Waitin’ On A Sunny Day” request, but it still made me laugh. And speaking of laughs, check out the Dragnet intro:

Next Up: You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)

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Mark Saleski

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