Half Notes: Robert Fripp and Brian Eno – The Equatorial Stars (2004)

I excitedly ordered a copy of this collaboration between Robert Fripp and Brian Eno when it was released as an import through Fripp’s DGM records in the U.S., and I unfortunately cannot say I recommend it. For two geniuses of ambient, this was incredibly boring, and this is coming from a very, very big King Crimson/Fripp/etc. fan. Fripp sounded like he wasn’t paying attention (which is kind of a shock given his scholar-like attitude towards music and “the moment,”) and Eno sounded like he didn’t particularly care. Aimless and boring. Put on Evening Star or No Pussyfooting instead, you’ll be a lot more pleased with what you hear.

‘Half Notes’ are quick-take thoughts on music from Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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Tom Johnson

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