Forgotten series: My Brightest Diamond – A Thousand Shark's Teeth (2008)

One listen to Shara Worden’s voice and it should come as no surprise that she’s actually a trained singer, pulling off with ease the kinds of things most rock singers can only dream of attempting.

Worden sounds just a bit operatic (but not so melodramatic, never fear) — like a female Jeff Buckley, to whom she is often compared, along with Fiona Apple, Beth Gibbons (of Portishead), and Nina Simone. And that is a very good thing. Simply put, she has one of the most beautiful voices I have heard in rock.

The interesting thing about A Thousand Shark’s Teeth is that while it was the second album of new material from Worden’s “band” — which is really just her and the musicians she picks for the songs — the material on it was begun at the same time as the debut (Bring Me The Workhorse) and serves as kind of the other half of a split personality. While Workhorse represented her material prepared for a rock group setting, Shark’s Teeth was all new material for a string quartet.

Unfortunately, this album didn’t garner much more attention than her first, which seemed to get buried. With such an incredible voice and such a talent for beautiful melodies, it’s a real shame that more people have yet experienced this.

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Tom Johnson

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