Half Notes: Hall and Oates – Live At The Troubadour (2008)

I’ve written about this before, but Hall and Oates used to be on my list of guilty pleasures. Wait, better make that secret guilty pleasures. Super-secret, that is. There was no way I was going to let on to my friends — all of whom were heavily into stuff like Led Zeppelin, Bad Company, Foghat, and Ted Nugent — that I totally dug tunes like “Rich Girl.” Well, everybody grows up after a time and with that maturation process should come the realization that you just can’t help who you like. What’s that cliché? The heart wants what the heart wants? Yeah, I know … too often that’s applied as a sort of “rationalization salve” to wounds created by affairs of the heart. Luckily, my love of the pop and soul music of Hall and Oates has produced no such casualties — except for maybe my ‘indie cred’ as applied to my writing. But heck, since I never had any ‘indie cred’ to begin with, I was allowed to get excited about their return to the famed Troubadour in L.A. after 35 years.

‘Half Notes’ are quick-take thoughts on music from Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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Mark Saleski

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