Half Notes: TV On The Radio – Return To Cookie Mountain (2006)

An unconventional combination of the sound of early solo Peter Gabriel, Talking Heads, and touches of David Bowie with hip-hop and minimalist post-rock sensibilities of today, TV On The Radio doesn’t really sound like rock per se, yet doesn’t sound so esoteric that their music is a turn-off. Instead, the stew of sound they concoct is mesmerizing. It’s just so different that you can’t help but be fascinated. There aren’t many things going on in rock that I can point to and say with confidence that people will look back on in 20 years and still look at as an important musical statement — the days of those moments happening with any frequency are long over — but this is one of them.

‘Half Notes’ are quick-take thoughts on music from Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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Tom Johnson

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