Half Notes: Gorillaz – Demon Days (2005)

The sophomore release from the best cartoon-band in the world found them skirting that dreaded sophomore-slump, for the most part. Out is Dan the Automator, in is Grey Album conspirator Danger Mouse, and the difference is notable in the tone of the album. Where the self-titled release was a little more happy-go-lucky, Demon Days was considerably darker and grittier. The good news was, it worked. The bad news, however, was that it ran out of steam: the final four tracks of the album sounded like tacked-on bonuses rather than bonafide album material, and the blame may lie partially with the uncharacteristically dance-rhythm driven “DARE,” which sounds absolutely like nothing else on the album. From opening track “Last Living Souls” (I purposely ignore the intro) to “White Light,” the album was solid. After that, give it one listen and then forget those tracks exist. It’s a much stronger listen without them.

‘Half Notes’ are quick-take thoughts on music from Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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Tom Johnson

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