Archive for November 3rd, 2011

Ambient records from Brian Eno, Mickey Hart, Robert Fripp, others: Gimme Five

Ambient records from Brian Eno, Mickey Hart, Robert Fripp, others: Gimme Five

These ambient records aren’t necessarily the “best,” just ones I return to again and again when I’m in the mood to induce a zone state.


Rez Abbasi's Invocation — Suno Suno (2011)

There’s a trance-like euphoria surrounding this emotional, at times indescribably spiritual endeavor. Rez Abbasi, leading a group that also includes Rudresh Mahanthappa and Vijay Iyer, found inspiration for Suno Suno from Pakistani Qawwali, a devotional Sufi music You May Also Like: Rez Abbasi – Unfiltered Universe (2017) Rez Abbasi &Read More


Alan White on Yes, John Lennon, David Torn + Tony Levin: Gimme Five

Find out more about Yes drummer Alan White’s unique relationship with bandmate Chris Squire, and go inside sessions with George Harrison and John Lennon.


Forgotten series: Artful Dodger – Honor Among Thieves (1976)

by Beverly Paterson From Ohio came Artful Dodger, who for a brief moment there, were tagged the next big thing. The band’s live shows were energetic affairs, and their discs gathered ringing endorsements from the press. You May Also Like: The Wicked Fools, “Beverly” (2015): One Track Mind The RugbysRead More