Archive for August 12th, 2011


Friday Morning Listen: Bob Marley, “Three Little Birds” (1977)

by Tom Johnson Our oldest daughter is preparing for her first days of first grade. Supplies have been bought, some in ridiculous quantities (seriously, 36 pencils for the first day alone?!) You May Also Like: Bob Wayne – Hits the Hits (2015) Chad Bradford, “Friday Morning Rain” (2015): One TrackRead More


Christian McBride Band – Vertical Vision (2003)

by Mark Saleski Vertical Vision would remind me of Weather Report even if it didn’t contain a smokin’ reading of “Boogie Woogie Waltz.” Honest!! You May Also Like: Gerry Gibbs & Thrasher People – Weather Or Not (2017) ‘Elegant People: A History of the Band Weather Report,’ by Curt Bianchi:Read More


One Track Mind: Warrant, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (1990)

by Fred Phillips This is the song that should have been Warrant’s defining moment. You May Also Like: Left Lane Cruiser’s Bring Yo’ Ass to the Table amped up North Mississippi blues Richard Turgeon, “Learning to Fly” (2020): One Track Mind


One Track Mind: Vincent Lyn, "Stolen Moments" (2011)