Half Notes: Grant-Lee Phillips — nineteeneighties (2006)

by Tom Johnson

The great Grant Lee Buffalo may have been long gone, but the heart was always just the voice and guitar of Phillips anyway, wasn’t it? In between takes as Gilmore Girls’ resident town troubador, Phillips found a few free moments to record this stripped down tribute to his favorite songs from, you guessed it, the 1980s. Before you start rolling your eyes, give it a chance: His choices were slightly more obscure than you might think (R.E.M’s “So. Central Rain,” a strangely fitting Hawaiian take on the Pixies’ “Wave of Mutilation,” believe it or not) and even ones that are slightly more obvious were so fitting for his voice that you simply have to hear them — such as the Church’s “Under the Milky Way.”

Half Notes is a quick-take music feature on Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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Tom Johnson

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