Archive for July 22nd, 2006


Bob Dylan – The Bootleg Series, Vol. 1-3 (1991)

Filled with outtakes, rarities and in-studio goof-offs, this is more revealing, even, than the sprawling 50-something track “Biograph” set. And, in fact, loaded with more songs. “The Bootleg Series” proves to be an intimate, strangely personal statement — seeing as how Bob Dylan didn’t put it together. It’s also aRead More


Bob Dylan – The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (1963)

As I continue digesting downloaded snippets from the soon-to-be-released Bob Dylan record Modern Times (which was “leaked” by Sony on Friday), I got to digging through the old stuff. Thought I’d pass along the occasional thought until Dylan’s first CD in five years is officially distributed on Aug. 29 …Read More