Post Tagged with: "Neil Peart"

How Rush Finished at the Top of Their Game With ‘Clockwork Angels’

How Rush Finished at the Top of Their Game With ‘Clockwork Angels’

Sadly, ‘Clockwork Angels’ arrived 10 years ago as their final studio effort. But this was no mere shelf-filler: This was pure Rush.

How Rush’s Misunderstood ‘Snakes and Arrows’ Offered Hope Amid Tragedy

How Rush’s Misunderstood ‘Snakes and Arrows’ Offered Hope Amid Tragedy

Rush shared a unified, deeply uplifting message 15 years ago this week to tie an album of loose ends together.

Being My Own Hero: Neil Peart & My Connection to Rush

Being My Own Hero: Neil Peart & My Connection to Rush

With Neil Peart’s passing, Mike Tiano reflects on his connection to Rush through working for Canadian rock artists during the 1970s.


‘You know what? A real band plays live’: Rush’s Neil Peart on why he’ll never retire again

As Rush prepares to release Clockwork Angels Tour, Neil Peart discusses the moment when — after a brief retirement from concert performances — he decided that he had to return to the road. You May Also Like: How the Holocaust Shaped One of Rock’s Signature Bands How Rush Finished atRead More


'We'll do most of it': Neal Peart discusses how Clockwork Angels fits into new concerts