‘I could do something new again’: Genesis’ Phil Collins considers leaving retirement

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Phil Collins, the Genesis frontman who retired because of lingering back problems after recording a solo Motown tribute in 2010, is considering a return to music.

Speaking with German media on the occasion of the Stuttgart premiere of a musical production of Tarzan, for which is wrote the songs, Collins said that his sons were encouraging him to stage a comeback. He also confirmed that he was in the very early stages of composing a few things.

Collins, 62, has consistently rebuffed such questions before, citing health issues. “I’m starting to think that I could do something new again,” the drummer now confirms. His last album of original material was 2002’s Testify. Collins hasn’t recorded with Genesis since 1991’s We Can’t Dance, though the platinum-selling trio of Collins, Tony Banks and Mike Rutherford reunited for a tour in 2006.

Collins joined Genesis in time for 1971’s Nursery Cryme, along with 1970s-era guitarist Steve Hackett. (Collins’ son Simon appeared most recently on Hackett’s 2012 tribute album Genesis Revisited II.) The elder Collins began releasing tandem solo efforts in 1981 with Face Value.

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