‘It just works with him’: Adam Lambert has put to rest questions about fronting Queen

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Fans of Adam Lambert’s recent work with Queen have to be thrilled with the response from its two continuing original members, as both Roger Taylor and Brian May seem ever more impressed with his command of their legendary catalog — and the former Idol finalist’s ability to expand upon it.

“I think even since we did a short tour in Europe last year with Adam,” Taylor enthuses in this iHeart clip, “even since then, he’s just come on. He’s just amazing. He’s such a great interpreter of our songs. He has a great stage presence, and we really enjoy working with him.”

The multi-generational trio recent made a splash at iHeart’s Las Vegas music fest, playing a September date that marked their first-ever live appearance in the U.S. Lambert has been sitting in with Queen, off and on, since 2009.

If recent comments from May and Taylor are any indication, this is a collaboration that’s just beginning.

Lambert was stepping into some pretty big shoes, of course. Freddie Mercury, the band’s late original singer, is widely considered one of rock’s consummate frontmen. Still, it’s clear that something has clicked with Lambert.

“He really is a wonderful foil for us; he’s a gift from heaven, really,” May adds. “It wouldn’t happen with a billion other people, but it just works with him. It feels comfortable and nice, but challenging also — because he puts different interpretations on the songs and it gets us to play a little differently. It’s alive.”

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