Half Notes: The October Trio – New Dream (2012)

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photos by Robert Kenney

When you peel away all chordal instruments, the rhythm section gets exposed. That can be a delight or a disaster, but in the case of Toronto’s October Trio, it’s the former. Evan Arntzen’s sax or clarinet has a lot of character, a product of his expressive articulation, but Josh Cole’s bass occupies a lot of the space normally taken up by a piano or guitar, providing a funky counterpoint to Arntzen on “1983” (stream below) or devising this narcotic circular pattern in concert with hip-hop savvy drummer Dan Gaucher on “New Dream,” or the jaunty trading off of solos with Arntzen on the Dirty Projectors’ “Imagine It”. But best of all, the October Trio finds a way to interact in a playful, spry way that makes these angular tunes light and fun to listen to.


New Dream becomes a reality on February 14, courtesy of Songlines Records. Visit The October Trio’s website.

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