Sparks Fly On E Street: Bruce Springsteen, "Meeting Across The River" (1975)

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Springsteen’s ode to film noir, “Meeting Across The River” is perfectly sequenced as the energy momentarily shifts down from She’s The One and heads toward the album’s close.

But while the music dials back with the lonely and desolate trumpet (Randy Brecker) and piano introduction, the psychic energy holds steady. The characters here might be wrapped in crime story cliché but the sense of desperation and foreboding fit in with many of Born To Run‘s themes.

Some people have argued that the song is one of the album’s lesser tracks and should have been left out. It’s hard for me to turn back time and remove a song from a collection. I just can’t imagine it. Maybe that’s because I like the song? Probably. In any event, this one takes the danger and anguish felt by a lot of Bruce’s cast and distills it down into three minutes (or so) of shimmering shadows.

Up next: “Jungleland”

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Mark Saleski